★ What is this? ★

You’ve stumbled upon Fishblade Saga! It’s a fantasy adventure webcomic done in the style of a longform graphic novel series. It follows the journey of an odd fisherman named Taro and his personal quest to hunt a mysterious sea leviathan. Fishblade Saga is action packed and filled to the brim with monster hunting, swordfighting, and partying. The comic focuses on the themes of freedom, rebellion, and how even the most fragile of souls deserve their share of bounty that the world offers. It draws influence from shonen manga and other adventure webcomics.

★ When does it update? ★

As for right now, I try to push one fully colored page once a week if possible. Granted, I sometimes spend weeks fleshing out story bits for upcoming material. In the grand scheme I’d really like to up the pace to 2 full color pages ever week with enough support.

★ Who makes this? ★

The comic is a solo endeavor done by Aron Adkins (Arno). You can connect with me via my contact page.

Fishblade Saga will always exist on this site for free.